On October 14th, the Astro-Journeys Erasmus Plus project launched with an online kick-off meeting that brought together a diverse team of partners representing five European countries—France, Germany, Portugal, Greece, and Spain. The meeting was an important first step in establishing connections among the partners, reviewing the project’s objectives and goals, and setting the groundwork for the initial stages of implementation.
The Astro-Journeys project aims to foster educational innovation through the intersection of astronomy, advanced curriculum development, and AI technology, creating a novel approach to science education across Europe. Designed and implemented by a collaborative team of educational experts, astronomers, curriculum developers, and AI technology specialists, the project will offer students and educators hands-on experiences in astronomical science and digital tools to enhance learning.
CY Cergy Paris Université, as the project coordinator, leads a strong consortium, including NUCLIO, Lake Alqueva Observatory (OLA), F-HOU (Hands-On Universe, France), FTP-Europlanet, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Ellinogermaniki Agogi, the Haus der Astronomie, and the Portuguese Astronomical Society (SPA). The Online kick-off meeting enabled partners to align on the project’s mission and initiate the first steps towards its impactful outcomes, laying the foundation for a multi-year collaboration in education and astronomical engagement.
We look forward to the next steps!