About Astro-Journeys
Astro-Journeys is designed to offer an interdisciplinary learning experience through an AI-supported platform where educators and learners collaborate to shape each learner’s unique Astro-Journey.
These journeys are structured around the Big Ideas in Astronomy, providing a comprehensive, contemporary perspective on astronomy’s relevance to daily life.
To enhance educators’ ability to guide learners in authentic research experiences, the program also includes professional development opportunities.
Astro-Journeys Fact box
Astro-Journeys is an interdisciplinary, AI-assisted learning platform that allows learners and educators to co-create personalized journeys in astronomy. It integrates Big Ideas in Astronomy with national curricula, providing a framework for learners to engage in authentic research experiences.
The project seeks to enrich science education by engaging learners in research and enhancing their understanding of astronomy’s impact on daily life. It also aims to equip educators with tools and training to support student-led research, fostering an inquiry-based approach to science.
The project is designed and implemented by a collaborative team of educational experts, astronomers, curriculum developers, and AI technology specialists. The partnership represents 5 different European countries (France, Germany, Portugal, Greece, and Spain). The CY Cergy Paris Université is coordinating the project, leading the partnership of NUCLIO, Lake Alqueva Observatory (OLA), F-HOU (Hands-On Universe, France), FTP-Europlanet, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Haus der Astronomie, and Portuguese Astronomical Society (SPA).
For whom?
Astro-Journeys targets primary to secondary school students and educators interested in integrating astronomy into interdisciplinary studies. It also benefits local communities through public activities and outreach. A minimum of 5 schools per pilot country (France, Germany, Portugal and Greece) will be involved in the project – reaching a total of 20 schools, 60 educators and 400 learners per year.
Activities include aligning project goals with national curricula, creating a 3D matrix of ideas, curriculum needs, and resources, and developing professional training for teachers. Additionally, community-building initiatives and diversity reviews ensure accessibility and inclusivity.
Astro-Journeys will be implemented across participating countries, offering resources and activities locally and through an international digital platform.
36 months; starting 1st September 2024.